Monday, November 17, 2008

Christmas Pictures

We had our Christmas pictures made last night....what an experience! We knew that taking a dog and a 6 month old in for pictures would require some patience....were we ever right! It was pure chaos for most of the session, but our photographer was excellent and we all made it through the experience! (although the session did get cut a little short due to a screaming baby!) Overall we had a great time and we have some pretty cute pictures to show for it! =)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I woke up this morning to a new America......yesterday, history was made in our nation. I wish I could say I was glad about that. Truth is, I'm very scared for our country. While I think it is amazing that we have come as far as to put our race aside and put a black man in the White House, I feel we have chosen the wrong black man. I'm disappointed in the Christians who voted for a man that stands for so much that the Bible teaches against. It's not about race or political comes down to morals, and America, we missed it this time! I pray his term is only 4 years and we don't suffer too much as result of his "change". God help America!