Monday, October 27, 2008

Carter is 5 months!

As of yesterday, Carter is now 5 months old! Wow...where has the time gone? He is getting SO big and cuter everyday :) It is so amazing to watch them grow and discover new things. The last month has brought about a lot of changes: he has started solids and is transitioning to eating 3 main meals per day with an extra liquid feeding before bed....this alone is pretty huge! He is also laughing a LOT now...which we LOVE! It's true, your children's laughter is the best sound you'll ever hear. He has started to suck his thumb's pretty cute, but I'm trying to keep him from it. He's sitting up well assisted....and for a few seconds unassisted. Some of the not so good things are: He's been waking in the night a few times fussing for his paci (we've just started to let him cry it out some...even at 3a.m. to break this's going to take some time!) His schedule has been a mess the last month due to his need for solids, he's been waking at very odd times in the morning....instead of a consistent wake time, it's been very erratic....varying as much as 2 hours! Now that he's getting on solids 3 times per day, we're hoping that fixes that problem quickly.

We are SO in love with this little fella! He has taught me true selflessness.....which is a lesson I think I needed. I'm so thankful for my precious gift from God named Carter.

Enjoy the pictures...they were all taken 1 week ago.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My Full-Time Job

There is a saying that nothing is more rewarding than parenting.....and while I have found this to be so true, the flip side to that is...nothing is more frustrating than parenting (at times). I am so new at this "parent" business and I am finding that there are definately good days and bad days. hear it all the time when you're about to become a parent, but you don't realize the truth to those words until you are there yourself. Carter has been the best thing that has ever happened to me....but the last few weeks have been very frustrating and my patience has been tried over and over. And to be quite honest, a lot of my days have looked like this picture. I am learning the frustrations that come along with parenting.....the crying when you can't figure out what is going on....the late nights and early mornings, the helplessness when the crying just won't's all true...every parent experiences it. Maybe I was just blessed not to experience it all in the beginning....maybe we're just now catching up with all the other new parents out there? One thing I do know, a little guy is teaching me a LOT of patience but also giving me a whole lot of love...which makes it all worth it ;)

Monday, October 13, 2008

Driving Force....

So, what drives you to do what you do? I've been asking myself this question lately, and through prayer trying to determine my motives, my ministry and what really drives me. I love what I do, but am I doing it for the right reason? For the right person? I think it's too easy in life, whatever your title, job or ministry, to get caught up in pleasing people. Not that pleasing people is all bad, but I dont want that to be my driving force. Certainly not in ministry! I want God to be pleased above all else and I want my desire to serve HIM to be what drives me to do what I do. I don't want my fear of failing others, or my desire to please others to be what keeps me going.....I want it to be my love for God. And I've found over and over that when I get that priority right, I end up pleasing those around me at the same time.....funny how that works, huh?

Friday, October 10, 2008

It's almost time to vote!

It's that time of year...election time! Usually this time comes and goes and I don't pay much attention. Of course, when it's a presidential election I take more notice...but I've never been more interested than I am in this presidential election. I fear for our country and the direction it's heading. I know my hope is in Jesus, so I try not to worry too much about it. However, one thing I CAN do is VOTE next month! Are you planning to vote? It's a priviledge to do I hope we do not take for granted!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Elevate 2008 is over....

Finally, after months and months of planning, Elevate has come and gone. It's amazing to me how you can put so much into something only to have it come and go so fast. This conference has been my burden for years now....there is just such a need for it. I feel it has become more difficult over the years....the enthusiasm I feel doesn't seem to be felt by others least not as much. Maybe it's my southern upbringing...maybe it's my perfectionism, but sometimes it seems the spirit of excellence is just lost on some people. I've went the last 2 years into this conference saying I would not do it again the next year, and yet, here I am again already thinking about next year's Elevate. I think it is because that each year I see the hunger in people who attend....they need this....for some this may be what motivates them to keep going in their ministry. I know that for me personally, that has been the case when I've attended conferences such as this one. I just pray God can give me the strength to keep at it...and that He will give others in my department and in this area the same vision for this conference.

This year was a very different Elevate......disappointing in some ways, great in others. I know there is a lesson for me to learn from it all and I'm trying to figure it all out. I think sometimes God let's things happen just to show us more about ourselves. I'm realizing that I want to be a better Christian, a better friend, a better leader and just a better person. My eyes have definately been opened to some things over the past few days....some of it has been hard to handle, but I know I have learned from it and it will benefit me in the long run.

There's no way I could put all my thoughts into this one little I guess I'll close out for now!