As of yesterday, Carter is now 5 months old! Wow...where has the time gone? He is getting SO big and cuter everyday :) It is so amazing to watch them grow and discover new things. The last month has brought about a lot of changes: he has started solids and is transitioning to eating 3 main meals per day with an extra liquid feeding before bed....this alone is pretty huge! He is also laughing a LOT now...which we LOVE! It's true, your children's laughter is the best sound you'll ever hear. He has started to suck his thumb's pretty cute, but I'm trying to keep him from it. He's sitting up well assisted....and for a few seconds unassisted. Some of the not so good things are: He's been waking in the night a few times fussing for his paci (we've just started to let him cry it out some...even at 3a.m. to break this's going to take some time!) His schedule has been a mess the last month due to his need for solids, he's been waking at very odd times in the morning....instead of a consistent wake time, it's been very erratic....varying as much as 2 hours! Now that he's getting on solids 3 times per day, we're hoping that fixes that problem quickly.
We are SO in love with this little fella! He has taught me true selflessness.....which is a lesson I think I needed. I'm so thankful for my precious gift from God named Carter.
Enjoy the pictures...they were all taken 1 week ago.