Monday, October 13, 2008

Driving Force....

So, what drives you to do what you do? I've been asking myself this question lately, and through prayer trying to determine my motives, my ministry and what really drives me. I love what I do, but am I doing it for the right reason? For the right person? I think it's too easy in life, whatever your title, job or ministry, to get caught up in pleasing people. Not that pleasing people is all bad, but I dont want that to be my driving force. Certainly not in ministry! I want God to be pleased above all else and I want my desire to serve HIM to be what drives me to do what I do. I don't want my fear of failing others, or my desire to please others to be what keeps me going.....I want it to be my love for God. And I've found over and over that when I get that priority right, I end up pleasing those around me at the same time.....funny how that works, huh?

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