Friday, October 28, 2011

Happy Birthday Shae'!!!

Shae' Shae'!!!  I can't believe you are turning ONE tomorrow!  Wow...this year has really flown by.  I'm excited and sad all at the same time.  Excited for all the new things you are learning and doing, but sad that you are growing so fast. :/  Please slow down, just a little please?

I can say without hesitation that you have made this last year very interesting for our family.  You started out by coming into this world in the middle of the night (4:08a.m.) and you have kept us up at night ever since.  You are definitely one tough kid to figure out.  Even as your mommy, whose supposed to 'know' what you need/want at all times, I have been at a loss countless times.  I think you are ready to change the world and just can't sleep due to all the plans running through that pretty head of yours.  It's obvious you have big plans and can't wait to start implementing them......I mean that's clear from the fact that you are so 'busy'....from walking at 10 months (and practically running now!) to always being on the go and looking for something else to do.....I can't wait to see how you change your world!

You are such a sweetheart.  I love how you are always eager to give love to your family and how you are quick to hug and kiss Carter when he's upset.  You love your brother so much!  You two will be best friends through life and I love watching the relationship between you grow. 
It's so sweet to see you light up when you see Daddy for the first time at the end of a work day, or when I come into your room first thing in the morning.  You smile with your eyes and it is so beautiful!  

You have taught me so much in the last year.  You have taught me patience that I didn't  know I was capable of.  You have taught me how to slow down and appreciate the simple things.  I've learned that those hand prints on the coffee tables can wait a little longer to be wiped off (they're actually kinda cute)...that the nose prints on the windows can stay until tomorrow (after all, you'll just put more on there tomorrow when you're watching for daddy to come home) and that sleep isn't nearly as important as I once thought (well, it's important, but I can function on far less than I once thought!  And besides, the sunrise sure is beautiful).  You've caused me to say 'no' to others far more than I ever have....and you know, that's ok.  I've learned that this is a 'season of life' that we are in.....we won't be as involved in other things as we once were.....not at this time anyway...and I'm ok with that. If I can teach you what's right, show you how to live and love and instill a love for God in your heart, then I will be more fulfilled than I've ever been doing anything else.

 Thank you baby girl for teaching me all of this.   You are going to do great things, I just know it.  And you will keep our family very interesting in the process, I'm sure.  You are beautiful inside and out and I can't imagine our family without you!

Happy Birthday Baby Shae'.  Mommy loves you!

When you were just a few hours old

a few days old here....

3 months....

8 months....

last week at church....almost 1!

at the pumpkin patch with mommy....

your 1 year pictures


Jennifer said...

Happy birthday, sweet Shae'!! Haven't met you face to face, but I sure have been keeping up with your little life. You have an adopted "aunt" in Mississippi that loves you as much as your real aunts. :) Hope your day is filled with sunshine!

Lana Lyman said...

Thanks Jennifer! We will be in Ms. from November 18-30. We will be going to youth convention this year! :) We must plan to get together if at all possible! :)

Courtney H. said...

Happy Birthday baby girl...I love you more than
You will ever changed the world the day you
came into our lives...can't imagine it without you
even though I don't see you as much as I want
I love you just like you were my own...I can't wait
to see you in a few weeks...Happy Birthday Princess!!!

jessica said...

Happy Birthday Shae!! Lana, you made me cry! What a beautiful little post. Have a great party tomorrow!!